“The shift of global economic
power eastwards is continuing, driven by the rapid development of China and
India, with added momentum from other dynamic Asian economies including
Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand”
The reshaping of the global
air cargo industry over the past 12 months has been dramatic, with enterprising
Asia Pacific carriers at the forefront of developments, said Andrew Herdman,
executive director, Association of Asia Pacific Airlines (AAPA).
He noted, however, that the
global economic slowdown has had an impact on air freight, which has remained
depressed as a result of weak consumer confidence in Europe and the United
States, with a corresponding slowdown of exports from Asia.
As Asian carriers operate
large freighter fleets and account for approximately 40% of global air cargo
traffic, they have been particularly hard hit by the current cargo market
But change is in the air: “The
shift of global economic power eastwards is continuing, driven by the rapid
development of China and India, with added momentum from other dynamic Asian
economies including Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand,” said
Herdman. “Steadily rising incomes are driving sustained growth in cargo demand,
which is being met by innovative Asian airlines using a variety of business
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